13. Educatief ERP gebruik mbv SAP software
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Uitleg over het SAP University Academy Program
Empowering Tomorrow's Workforce Through Education
Through advanced curricula, technologies and academic research, the SAP University Alliances program (UAP) supports institutions of higher learning's efforts to offer custom-tailored courses and projects which develop highly qualified graduates with critical skills for the 21st century workforce.
Resources for Lecturers (Professors)
SAP provides workshops designed specifically for the UAP delivered by experienced facilitators from member campuses or by SAP topic experts. Faculty new to the program can easily create SAP-specific content for their courses with easy-to-use, high-quality, downloadable course materials which has been developed by members in a range of academic disciplines.
SAP encourages collaboration to improve education and research, helping members build professional networks and connect with colleagues at SAP-sponsored events. With hundreds of member campuses actively involved with the UAP, opportunities for collaboration are extensive including research, publishing, curriculum development, and intercampus business simulations. As a result, students from different campuses around the globe have opportunities to collaborate on virtual team projects.
Na deze sessie zal je een beter inzicht hebben in hoe het SAP Academisch programma jou kan helpen binnen jouw school om je studenten ervaring te laten opdoen, die ze later goed zullen kunnen inzetten.
The SAP University Alliances community is an advanced interactive Web portal that is freely available to all professors, students, and professionals with academic interests around the world. The community is a multifaceted online environment that delivers the latest academic resources, bringing real-life knowledge and skills in using SAP software to higher-education campuses. These resources include prerecorded demonstrations, Webinars, articles, white papers, exercises, and handouts to use in teaching, research, publications, and other education and training activities. A number of valuable SAP desktop software products can be licensed at no cost for academic use during a typical term. Blogs, forums, wikis, and other innovative components allow for interaction and engagement with professors and students worldwide.
Er is geen voorkennis nodig om deel te nemen aan deze sessie
Hand-outs van presentatie
Interessant voor
- Leerkracht - Docent
- Directie - Administratie
- Pedagogische ICT-coördinator
- Technisch ICT-coördinator
- Secundair/Voortgezet onderwijs
- Hoger onderwijs
- Volwasseneneducatie
- Administratief
- Project
Voormiddag (9u40-12u10)
Er kan niet ingeschreven worden voor deze sessie omdat ze geannuleerd is.
Rik Gielen
Lees meer over de expertise van Rik.
Korte titel : ERP gebruik
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